Monthly Archives: November 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Image result for happy thanksgiving"

Wishing my readers & their families a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving/Thanksgiving weekend! Remember to give thanks to Almighty God for all the good things, spiritual & material that you have in your life & pray for the less fortunate.

“Man, who among the things that exist is reckoned as nothing, as ashes, as grass, as vanity, is made the familiar of such and so great a Majesty as can neither be seen, nor heard, nor reckoned. Man is received and accounted as son by the God of the universe. Who can discover a way of giving thanks worthily for such a gift? With what voice, with what thought, what movement of the heart, can man sing the praises of this superlative gift? Man transcends his own nature: from mortal he is made immortal, from brazen, unalloyed, from ephemeral, eternal, and in short, from man, a god. For if he is made worthy of becoming a son of God he will have entirely in himself the dignity of the Father, and will be heir to all the paternal goods. O, the liberality of that wealthy Master!”  ~St. Gregory of Nyssa

“It would be a monstrous ingratitude to receive daily many blessings of the Divine goodness, and not to acknowledge your gratitude, if not in deeds, at any rate, in words and canticles. Besides that, if this gratitude is due to Him, it is no less advantageous to ourselves. God has no need of us, but we have every need of Him. The thanksgiving which we offer to Him adds nothing to what He is, but it helps us to love Him more, and to repose a greater confidence in Him. For if the remembrance of benefits we have received from men induces us to love them more, there can be no doubt that, meditating on the graces which Almighty God has showered upon us, we should naturally feel more desire to love Him, more prompt to obey Him.”   ~St. John Chrysostom

“We must take to heart, brothers, from what stuff we were created, who we were and what kind of creatures we were when we entered the world, as if from a tomb and from utter darkness. Having prepared for us bountifully before we were born, He who fashioned us and created us brought us into His world. Since, then, we owe all this to Him, we ought to give Him thanks for everything.”  ~Pope St. Clement I

An idolatrous staff?

Francis with an idolatrous staff 1

Something of interest.

Francis with an idolatrous staff

In the solemn closing Mass of the Amazonia Synod, we saw Pope Francis with an idolatrous staff representing four Indian divinities. The photos below reproduce the sequence of the ceremony where he appears with this pagan symbol.

First row: the entrance procession; second row: during Mass at the Altar of the Confession; third row: reading the prayers before the final blessing; fourth to sixth rows: in front of the Statue of Our Lady; seventh row: blessing the sick; eighth row: the final procession leaving the Altar.

The Pope carried a wood staff sculpted with four faces.

It is not rare for South American aborigines to represent their deities with two faces, for example in the last row at left, we see a bi-faced sculpture of Pachacamac (the creator of the world).

What seems to be the significance of the papal staff?

According to a complicated local legend, Pachacamac won the heart of Pachamama (Mother Earth); from their union were born two twins, one male and one female; both called Wilka. Later the twins became the Sun and the Moon. So, the four divinities in the papal staff would be Heaven, Earth, Sun and Moon.

Some friends from Ecuador and Brazil affirm that the faces on the papal staff represented these four pagan deities. If this is true, we have Pachamama present in the final Mass of the Amazonia Synod, as Pope Francis had promised, when he delivered the final speech of that assembly against those who had thrown the statues of Pachamama into the Tiber River.

In the last row at right, you can see different Latin American Indian representations of Pachamama, Mother Earth or goddess of fertility.


Francis with an idolatrous staff 2 Francis with an idolatrous staff 3 Francis with an idolatrous staff 5Francis with an idolatrous staff 3

Standard of Jesus Christ

On Fighting Under the Standard of Jesus Christ
by Richard Challoner, 1807
Consider first, that there are upon earth, and have been all along, two opposite kingdoms, two opposite interests, two opposite cities; Jerusalem and Babylon, the city of God and the city of the devil–two opposite standards, that of Jesus Christ, and that of Satan. From the time that man unhappily fell from God by sin, Satan set up his tyrannical usurpation; which he has, by all kinds of tricks and lies, endeavoured to maintain ever since, by alluring poor deluded mortals with the glittering show of worldly pomps, riches, and pleasures, to become his slaves, and to fight under his standard, and by establishing among them his law and maxims, calculated for nothing else but to make them miserable both for time and eternity. And ah! how unhappily has he prevailed over millions! what multitudes everywhere join with him against their God! how is this wretched Babylon spread over all the earth!

Consider 2ndly, that Jesus Christ came into this world to set up His standard, in opposition to the standard of Satan, and to invite all men to follow Him, promising to deliver His followers from all their evils, and to impart to them all His good. They that duly correspond with His call, and join His royal standard, make up the city of God, the blessed Jerusalem, the Church of the Saints. But see now the immense difference between these two opposite cities and their inhabitants; how happy the one, and how miserable the other. The children of Babylon are miserable indeed; they are slaves to passions that can never be satisfied; to a world that can never be contented; to infernal tyrants that are continually dragging them along with them towards hell: they are slaves to empty vanities, childish toys, and lying follies; labouring under a variety of fears, cares, sorrows, uneasinesses, and innumerable other evils, without enjoying so much as any one, solid or lasting satisfaction. But O, how happy are the children of Jerusalem! what content, what peace, what pure pleasure in the soul, are commonly their portion, even in this life, and immortal joys in the next! and shalt thou, my soul, stand one moment to deliberate which of the two thou wilt choose; the standard of Christ, or that of Satan; Jerusalem or Babylon; all good or all evil; verity or vanity; happiness or misery; heaven or hell?

Consider 3rdly, that all manner of motives, from time and eternity, from our origin and last end, from duty and interest, honour and pleasure, fear and love, all here concur to determine the soul in her choice, and to fix her in the happy resolution of following the standard of Jesus Christ. Turn then, my soul, turn away from this Babel of confusion, noise and disorder; break her chains from off thy neck, O captive daughter of Sion. Renounce, for good and all, the king of pride; the tyrant that has usurped to himself the dominion over this world and its deluded admirers; renounce his works and pomps, together with all his associates, the princes of darkness, and all their slaves, and turn thyself to the blessed Jerusalem, the city of peace; embrace the King of Peace, and His glorious standard, with all thy heart; choose Him for thy King for ever; pay Him irrevocable homage, and promise Him inviolable fidelity and obedience.

Conclude, since thou hast now chosen Jesus Christ to be thy king, to fight manfully unto death under His royal standard of the cross; against His and thy enemies, the world, the flesh, and the devil. In order to this, learn well the exercise of prayer, and the rules of the Gospel, which are the military discipline which He has fixed for His soldiers.

Idolatry, plain & simple

“Good afternoon, I would like to say a word about the pachamama statues that were removed from the Church at Traspontina, which were there without idolatrous intentions and were thrown into the Tiber. First of all, this happened in Rome and, as bishop of the diocese, I ask pardon of the people who were offended by this act.” This was how Francis, as Bishop of Rome—and therefore as Pope—expressed himself in the wake of the disappearance of five wooden statuettes from the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina.

On Sunday, October 21, Alexander Tschugguel, a young Austrian visiting Rome, did indeed remove these idols exposed in a chapel since the beginning of the Synod on the Amazon, and threw them into the river.

Idols Publicly Honored

Representing completely naked women, kneeling and pregnant, their faces sad and made up, their identity had been debated since October 4—on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi—where they appeared paraded in procession before the pope and cardinals in the Vatican gardens.

That day, a procession of laymen and religious had circled around a colorful tablecloth where had been spread diverse and varied objects: oars, a dugout canoe, fishing nets, samples of earth and grains, incense, a phallic figurine, seashells … and two of these statuettes depicting fertility. After a few songs, everyone knelt and prostrated themselves in adoration before these disparate and suspicious objects. Later, a similar procession took place in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, as well as in St. Peter’s Basilica where the canoe appeared, as well as in the Paul VI hall and in the synod hall.

By clearly recognizing that these were representations of the Pachamama, an idol worshiped by the Incas and whose worship is still alive in the Andean countries, the pope dispelled the mystery surrounding the identity of these figurines. It was indeed before these statuettes representing a pagan deity that Catholics had prostrated themselves, in the Vatican gardens as well as in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina. It was in their company that Amazonian rites have been celebrated in enculturated liturgies. It was they who were exhibited in chapels, carried in processions, and installed in a place of honor in the synod hall.

Where Are The Confessors of The Faith?

The Vicar of Christ seemed to want to brush aside the discomfort these events have aroused—they were committed “without idolatrous intentions,” he says. Very well then. Are we to understand that the laymen and religious who prostrated themselves on two knees before these wooden idols were just pretending, playing a role, acting?

Imagine the first Christians sacrificing to idols, depositing the grain of incense before Caesar or mingling with the pagan sacrifices then, to defend themselves, explaining that they acted “without idolatrous intentions”? They religiously kept the grave warning of Saint Paul: “Wherefore, my dearly beloved, fly from the service of idols” (1Cor.10:14), and would never have perjured themselves.

A previous article has shown how the veneration of the Pachamama statues was objectively an idolatrous act. “The searcher of hearts and reins is God,” (Ps.7:10) but the acts relate to the persons who pose them. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked” (Gal. 6:7). The true witnesses of faith shed their blood rather than simulate actions contrary to the first commandment of God: “The Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and him only shalt thou serve” (Mt. 4:10). It is in their wake that we must walk, strong in the faith, and constant in trial, keeping ourselves from idols.

Saint John, the Apostle of Charity

“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God. And every one that loveth him who begot, loveth him also who is born of him. In this we know that we love the children of God: when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the charity of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not heavy. For whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world: and this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith.” (1 Jn. 5:1-4).

“We know that whosoever is born of God, sinneth not: but the generation of God preserveth him, and the wicked one toucheth him not. We know that we are of God, and the whole world is seated in wickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come: and he hath given us understanding that we may know the true God, and may be in his true Son. This is the true God and life eternal.” (1 Jn. 5:18-20).

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” (1 Jn. 5:21)

Prayers of reparation for the idolatry of Rome


This speaks for itself. Surely the Early Martyrs are rolling in their grave, for Rome is basically saying that their death was in vain.

Prayers used by Fr. Hugo Valdemar Romero during the burning of the Pachamama effigies

Prayers of Reparation

Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, receive from the hands of the Immaculata, Mother of God, Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, from our contrite heart, a sincere act of reparation for the acts of worship of idols and satanic fetishes that occurred in Rome, the Eternal City and the heart of the Catholic world, during the Synod for the Amazon.

Pour into the hearts of cardinals, bishops, priests, and religious men and women your Spirit, Who will expel the darkness of minds, so that they may recognize the impiety of such acts, which offended Your Divine Majesty and offer acts of reparation and relief.

In all the members of the Church, shed the light of the fullness and beauty of the Catholic Faith. Ignite in all the ardent zeal to bring the salvation of Jesus Christ, True God and true man to all men, especially people in the Amazon region, who are still enslaved to the service of idols and superstition, so that all people from that region reach the freedom of the children of God, and have the indescribable happiness of knowing Jesus Christ, and through Him in the life of Your Divine Nature.

Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you, the only True God, outside Whom there is no other god or salvation, have mercy on your Church. Look especially at the tears, the contrite and humble sighs of your faithful and bless and protect the true Christian heroes, who in their zeal for your glory and in their love for Mother Church prophetically threw the idols of the abomination into the water.

Have mercy on us: forgive us, Lord! Have mercy on us: Kyrie eleison!

Deprecatory Prayers

1. Forgive us, Lord, for the sacrilegious act of adoration of the Pachamama and the Amazonian idols in the Vatican gardens

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

2. Forgive us, Lord, for the desecration of the basilica and the tomb of the blessed apostle St. Peter, where they prayed and sang to the Amazonian idols.

Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy.

3. Forgive us, Lord, for the procession of the cursed canoe with Amazonian fetishes carried by bishops, religious and lay people to the synodal hall.

Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy.

4. Forgive us, Lord, for the desecration of the church dedicated to your Blessed Mother, in her invocation Santa María in Traspontina, in Rome, where they housed the diabolical idols of the Pachamama and worshiped her, offending the memory of our Blessed Mother and the holiness of your House.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

5. Forgive us, Lord, for the desecration of your Holy Via Crucis, the Way of Reconciliation, in Rome, in which they offended your glorious Passion.

Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy.

6. Forgive us, Lord, for the prayers to the abominable idol of the Pachamama composed by the Pastoral Agency of the Italian Episcopal Conference and prayed in several churches in Italy.

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.

7. Forgive us, Lord, for the desecration of the Cathedral of Lima Peru, in which they praised the idol Pachamama, begotten by and deceived through Satan.

Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy.

8. Forgive us, Lord, for all the bishops, priests, religious men and women who have offended your holiness as One God, committing the crime of idolatry and defending, spreading and worshiping Satan in the deceit of Pachamama idol.

Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy.

9. Forgive us, Lord, for the Catholics who see and yet do not see, and hear and yet do not hear, and defend these demonic and abominable acts of adoration of the Amazonian idols, deceit of Satan. Do not allow their souls to be lost, give them Your Divine Light to become one with You, the only True God.

Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy.

10. Forgive us, Lord, for endorsement of “integral ecology”, contempt for human beings, lack of courage to defend the unborn, abortions and the endless crimes of your children.

Lord have mercy, Christ, have mercy.

Reparation for idolatry at the Amazon Synod

Menzingen, October 28, 2019

On the feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles

Dear Members of the Society,

The recent Synod on the Amazon was witness to terrible scenes where the abomination of idolatrous rites was played out within the sanctuary of God in new and unthinkable ways. And then, the final document of this tumultuous assembly attacked the holiness of the Catholic priesthood, pushing for both the abolition of ecclesiastical celibacy and the establishment of a female deaconate. Truly, the seeds of apostasy which our venerable Founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, had identified from the earliest days as being at work in the Council, continue to yield their putrid fruits with renewed effectiveness.

In the name of inculturation, pagan elements are increasingly integrated into divine worship and we can see, once again, how the liturgy that followed of the Second Vatican Council is perfectly suited to this.

In response to these events, we call on all members of the Society, including Third Order members, to observe a day of prayer and reparation, because we cannot remain indifferent to such attacks on the holiness of Holy Mother the Church. We ask that a fast be observed in all our houses on Saturday, November 9th. We invite all the faithful to the same and we also encourage children to offer prayers and sacrifices.

On Sunday, November 10th, 2019, each priest of the Society will celebrate a Mass of reparation, and in each chapel, the Litanies of the Saints, taken from the liturgy of the Rogations, will be sung or recited to ask God to protect His Church and to spare it from the punishments that such acts cannot fail to draw down upon it. We urge all priest friends, as well as all Catholics who love the Church, to do the same.

Such is due to the honour of the Holy Roman Catholic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, which is neither idolatrous nor pantheistic.

Don Davide Pagliarani

Superior General